Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Please, please, please watch this. And better yet, pass this one on.

If there are only a handful of you who read my blog, please, pass this on. Whether or not you agree with the President, or if you dislike or even hate him, what he says has 100% validity. Now, I try to avoid politics as much as possible. It drives me nuts when I see post after post of political propaganda bull shit on my facebook news feed. But this is something I feel strongly about. His main point, for those of you who are too blinded by bias to watch this, is that it is not unreasonable to require all people who wish to purchase guns, and all retailers, must go through a mandatory background check. There is absolutely no reason why this should not have passed the first time it came around but thanks to the Republican party, it didn't. And because it didn't, we've lost a ton of people needlessly.

Obama proposes a few other things that are incredibly important to dealing with gun violence and I also think that every single person would benefit from them. Who's going to pay for it, one may wonder. We are. And you know what, I'm just fine with that. To make sure that my kid can go to school without having to worry that they'll be shot up by some whack-job - or some teenager who has some deep-seated issues that no one had caught because no one was paying attention - yes, I'd gladly give all of my salary in order to make sure that could happen. Because I actually give a shit about my children. I really hope all of you can say the same about your own.

Any contrary retorts that someone could possibly have, btw, he addresses. I just wish we could have seen the entire address, not just his portion. I feel like there was some things he referenced that we missed because we were only shown his part of the proceedings.

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