Saturday, October 24, 2015


Okay everyone, it's time for another affirmation:

I am lucky to be in college. Even though I'm stressing for this test, I am lucky to have the opportunity to attend college, when so many other people aren't.

(Insert what you're lucky to have and realize that others aren't so fortunate!)

Chins up, buttercups. We'll get through these stressers together!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pretty crochet hooded vest

I actually liked this one so much that I purchased the pattern...which I wish I hadn't. The instructions that come with the pattern are pretty common sense - like how to up- or down-size the pattern from large to small, large to XXL. This pattern does have a diagram, however, that the free one doesn't and since I like diagrams, I'm less annoyed that I paid for a pattern that wasn't as different from the original free one.

I'll post pics when I'm done with it.

Any notes made are in regards to the paid pattern. I'm not working the free pattern, not even looking at it.


It helps if you read the pattern right. I'll finish this, eventually.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Best DIY Halloween Advice for Kids & Adults

Best DIY Halloween Advise for Kids & Adults:

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Crochet Amish Puzzle Ball Pattern |

Crochet Amish Puzzle Ball Pattern |

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Why Organized Religion Scares the Crap out of Me

Now, I'm not speaking about the type of organized religion that requests its congregation members to come to Church once (or twice, depending on the faith system) a week and on Holidays. I'm talking about religions that are so organized that this kind of shit happens. It is deplorable that anyone would be that far into anything where they would allow their own child to die, let alone a newborn baby. This sentence is far too light and that whole cult needs to be wiped out. There's a place for tolerance and then there isn't. This is a case of "isn't."

Oregon couple who chose prayer over doctors will go to prison for child’s death:

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Saturday, October 10, 2015

These Pets Are Adorably Annoying - Kitty Keyboard | Guff

These Pets Are Adorably Annoying - Kitty Keyboard | Guff:

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I'm not that kind of witch. ..

I'm not sure how aware Peanut is of my witchy lifestyle but today she pointed out the car window and very clearly stated "mommy, top da wain!" To which I replied, "I'm not that kind of witch." I was tempted to start quoting The Hobbit at her but since I already received what could only be referred to as the "threenager dead stare and long-suffering sigh* for my witch comment,  I refrained. She's far too old for her age X-D.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jim Parsons reacts to 'Big Bang Theory' break up | AOL Features

Jim Parsons reacts to 'Big Bang Theory' break up | AOL Features:

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A quick update

I haven't really been on to do more than post a few links lately. Swamped with homework and tests. But I am taking the time right now to give myself an affirmation - and I suggest you do the same, if you are having a hard time of it right this moment. Today my affirmation is:

I am lucky to have the opportunities I have - even if they are a bitch to fulfill. I can do it. (and so can you!)

I will definitely be adding more interesting things come Thanksgiving break (November 23-27??). So, check back periodically, if not then, to see if I have actually had time to surface for a little air.

One thing I have been doing to try to maintain my sanity is creating a crochet slipper pattern for toddler's size 7...a legit size (US) 7. Every free pattern I have tried to create has not turned out (on the part of the pattern creator, not mine. I can follow directions ;) ) so, as is usually the case, I ended up making my own pattern. It's the first in-the-round crochet pattern I've ever created and honestly I have no idea how it came together. Serendipity maybe. Anyway, luckily for me it turned out and is super cute enough that I might make a few other sizes, create an adult size, and sell them on Etsy to order. I haven't decided if I'll make the pattern free to the public. I understand now why all of the cute patterns cost at least $4.00 - because it's time consuming and a pain in the ass if you suck at math and need to draw out the patterns in order to create them. . . like, really time consuming. More than you would anticipate when you start out. So, look for the pattern - and an Etsy account - later. I haven't decided yet if I'll be giving the pattern away or selling it, however. Depends on how strapped for cash I am, lets be honest. I'm not greedy but in today's economy...well, I'm sure you know how it goes!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Knitting for Charity: 23 Hat Patterns |

This post is for the knitters. I crochet baby blankets for hospitals and women's shelters, but I used to knit. I think I'm going to look into any places where I could donate crocheted hats for charity.

Knitting for Charity: 23 Hat Patterns |

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