Monday, January 18, 2016

Checking in

Everything is pretty good here, right now. My daughter just found me hiding in my bedroom. I am trying to do homework and I have no idea how she knew I was here but the little blood-hound found me. Actually, what was most likely the cause of my discovery was the fact that I hide "num-nummies" in my closet and, unbeknownst to her on her illegal entry into my bedroom, she found me instead.

It's interesting, being a college student. I go through various emotions in moments - most often they are moments of "ohmygodIhavesomuchtodohowthehellamIgoingtogetitalldoneFML!" But interspersed with those feelings are feelings of gratitude that I have the opportunity to go to school and to get the education that I am.

Take a moment to think about the things in your life that you have to be grateful for. It's a good habit to get into.

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