Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Random musings

Bear with me. The later it gets, the more sentimental I get. 

Peanut fell asleep in my bed. Nightmares again.  It's the first time since we stopped nursing. .. it's the first time she's ever fallen asleep in our bed when NOT nursing,  for that matter. As I put her into her crib I marveled,  yet again, on just what it means to truly love someone. So this is what true, unconditional love feels like. I mean, i thought i knew what love was, but then I had our daughter and the love I've known (and i do, and know how, to love,  lol) doesn't compare in its purity or intensity. The thought of going one minute without her in my life just about kills me and for the first time in my life,  I have met someone for whom I would rather die than live without. . .
And that's how I knew I was ready to be a parent. ;)

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