Saturday, August 22, 2015

Midnight musings...I'm seeing a trend in my posting times -_-

Well, another night of being awake when I don't want to be. School starts up again on Monday so I'm sure the stress of that is contributing to the recent bout of insomnia. Anyway, if anyone else is awake at this ridiculous hour and is looking for something to get lost in (other than this blog, of course, which admittedly you'd have a very short journey since I just started this thing less than a week ago), you might be interested in checking out one of my favorite blogs If you're a parent, a mom especially, this should tickle you. I love this lady's humor! Anyway, off to do math problems in my head - that usually knocks me right out!

G'Night Neverland! But first, I'll leave you with this!

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