Thursday, June 1, 2017

Costuming and Current Projects

Now that I am taking a short break before classes begin, I've been working primarily on costumes for the ren fest we're going to in August/September. I have finished two basic outfits for myself, one for my daughter, and am working on accessories for all four members of the household. My husband is responsible for his own base costume pieces but since he has so many other projects (not to mention a career) going on, I might do them once I finish everything else. I am waiting to do my son's until the last minute, primarily because he's not even a year old yet and seems to grow at leaps and bounds. It'll most likely be a linen shirt and simple pair of leggings since he's a baby and wtf does he need anything else for? It's not like he's even going to be walking at any point we're on the fest grounds! Maybe I'll add a vest and a cap, too. We'll see.

I've put my crochet aside for the past four months and finally decided to pick them back up. I'm working on a hexagonal afghan I've created and because it's so simple, I'll probably write it up and post it here as a download for free. That'll come eventually and I can't promise when.

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