Monday, May 29, 2017


It's been quite some time since I blogged. A lot has happened. First, an update post about my cousin, since I believe that was the last I posted on.

He's doing relatively well, considering the circumstances. While he's not 100% back to his normal self, he's probably about 50% there. We're all very proud of him for what he has accomplished so far and although he does have a long way to go, we're hopeful that he'll be able to regain some of the independence he had before the accident.

I spent a good portion of my blog-break finishing up classes and graduating. Yay, bachelors in Psychology and Criminal Justice is finished. I graduated cum laude (which will look great on my resume and my wall diploma :) ). I start grad school in August for trauma and crisis counseling/forensic psychology. I'm really looking forward to that as I am taking degree-specific courses, and not the general bullshit classes we're forced to take the first 2-4 years.

Baby boy is doing well. He is sitting on my lap while I type this, actually. I've had to go back and delete his contributions a few times. He has caught up to his peers already. At only 7 months old (adjusted) he is at the 50th percentile for weight and 95-97th percentile for height and head size. I've also picked up leather burning (pyrography on leather) which I'm a bit better at so I'm not completely screwed in that area when it comes to decorative pieces for our costumes.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Have a good day!

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