Thursday, May 26, 2016

Children, Stranger Danger, and Sexual Abuse weblinks.

The first link I came across while I was "studying" (meaning I was going through Pinterest) and shared it on my mommy group. After I followed another link, I thought both sources were great so decided to share them here with you. The first is about "Stranger Danger" and the second is about "innocent secrets". Innocent secrets are those that people tell kids that aren't meant to be anything more than light-hearted (don't let your dad know I gave you a sucker before dinner, for example). I have been studying psychology, abuse, and child development for the past 2 years and I didn't even think about how child predators use similar speech with children they are abusing.

Beyond Stranger Danger: 6 Off the Wall Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life

Do "innocent" secrets hurt kids?

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