Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Post in Academic Interests

College and Rape/Sexual Assault, posted 5/31/16.

This weeks lesson - Rape and College Campuses: Do you actually know what rape is?

I am providing a link for the RAINN website, specifically the link to the page "Was I Raped?" This week's lesson discusses, among other things, statistics as to the reason why victims of rape or attempted rape on college campuses do not report the incident. The three main reasons were 1) individuals weren't sure that they were raped; 2) they didn't want people to know; and 3) they weren't sure that the victimizer meant to commit a crime or that they meant to hurt the victim. On this particular topic, I will address my own thoughts in the Academic Interests section of this blog. For now, this entry is primarily to provide you with the resource to determine what rape and sexual assault is. This website provides commonly asked questions and answers, as well.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Children, Stranger Danger, and Sexual Abuse weblinks.

The first link I came across while I was "studying" (meaning I was going through Pinterest) and shared it on my mommy group. After I followed another link, I thought both sources were great so decided to share them here with you. The first is about "Stranger Danger" and the second is about "innocent secrets". Innocent secrets are those that people tell kids that aren't meant to be anything more than light-hearted (don't let your dad know I gave you a sucker before dinner, for example). I have been studying psychology, abuse, and child development for the past 2 years and I didn't even think about how child predators use similar speech with children they are abusing.

Beyond Stranger Danger: 6 Off the Wall Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life

Do "innocent" secrets hurt kids?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Added entry

Added an entry for Summer Term 2016 in Academic Interests. This is information for my Violence Towards Women class.

Cycle of Violence - Shelter for Help in Emergency

Cycle of Violence - Shelter for Help in Emergency:

This website contains information on how exactly the cycle of violence occurs.

'via Blog this'

Monday, May 23, 2016

Quick Catch Up, Political opinions, and Community Service

So, life has been pretty busy. I'll address the mundane happenings first, and then get onto more substantial topics in a minute.

I graduate this December, I only have 12 credits left, so instead of over-working myself (being a SAHM and going to school full time, depending on the time of year, is near impossible), I am doing each term from here on out at 3/4 time. I am taking a 6 week class this term (violence towards women, which is great) which requires volunteer work within my community (more on that in a minute).

A and I are expecting a baby boy in October - Halloween actually, so I've been busy dealing with morning sickness and all of that.

I am working on organizing my pinterest boards, so if you're interested, check that out.

Now, back to community service work, which this post is primarily about:
First, for my VTW class, we are required to volunteer 20 hours at an organization that aids women and children who may be victims of DV. This includes food banks, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, etc. I chose to work at a family shelter near me that caters to homeless families. While there are some men there with their wives/girlfriends and children, primarily the residents consist of single women and children. I really enjoy my time there and I highly suggest my readers take up some form of community service work, too. Get your kids involved. They are the future, after all.

I try to avoid talking overly about politics but with everything that's been going on in the media, I am going to say something. I understand why Trump is appealing to some people. We're all pissed off at politicians and their bullshit, and since Trump isn't a politician, he holds some appeal. However, his attitudes appeal to the innate racists and traditionalists - and gives platform for the cowardly to come out and practice unspeakable acts. After all, if Trump can practice hate speech and intolerance on national television, why can't the rest of the racist, misogynists of America? This aspect is disgusting to me. But I understand the anger at the government. I really do. I don't trust Clinton any more than Trump. (I'm actually Independent/Green, not Democrat) I support Sanders because he really is "for the people". He actually could "make America great again" and if those citizens who oppose him would actually do research into his policies, he has explained how he will do it. Trump, however, has not. He is a celebrity, not a politician. People forget that he is not actually "one of us"...the poor or the middle-working class. He is a trust fund baby who managed to bankrupt his companies and take down a lot of people in the process. With Trump in the running for the Republican party - and all of the hate and intolerance and poison that asshole vomits forth. Oh, btw, he doesn't plan on "Making America Great Again" for anyone other than the rich. Keep that in mind when election season comes around. If you receive any form of assistance (and many Trump supporters do), you can basically kiss that all goodbye if he gets into office. It's important that those who have never experienced poverty or lower class life get involved with individuals who have or currently are going through hardship. It's important, because if you are going to hate a group, you should at least interact with them firsthand and know exactly what and who you're hating. These people who have hit rock bottom aren't expecting a handout. They will only be homeless once. A majority of them work their asses off just to get to where the privileged were lucky to be born into. I guarantee you that if you do make the effort, if you really immerse yourself and get to know these people and their situations, you wouldn't be so harsh or biased. You wouldn't hate a group out of some misconceived principals. You'd learn. You'd grow. You'd become a better person. YOU would help "make America great again". Ignorance, blindness, and bigotry will not create a better world. It will do nothing but breed more discontent, discord, and will lead to higher crime levels and poorer people. It will likely be the death of our species, in fact. (I'm not typically a dooms-dayer but I've seen statistics and have studied the patterns of human nature enough to know that this is a legit possibility). So do yourself a favor and get educated. Look outside of your own party, your own narrow beliefs, and really become knowledgeable about the real world around you, not the world you see on TV. (And yes, I have done my research. I don't speak on something if I don't have knowledge to back it up. I don't particularly like feeling a fool and when you make an ignorant statement, you tend to look the fool). That way, at least, you have enough experience and information from both sides to make educated arguments and stand on your own. Even if I don't agree with you, I'll respect you if you come into a discussion with actual, verifiable, facts. I'll think you're a fool if all you do is parrot back what you hear on TV.

My problem isn't really Trump. It's his supporters. Trump is just a loud mouth and media whore. But his supporters...they are the true people to fear (being feared for your bigotry and unnecessary violence is not admirable, btw). If Trump gets into office, there's only so much power he has, really. He'll likely bring about hostilities from our allies and damage relationships because of the shit he says, but most actions he proposes can't be done without approval from other branches of government. If he looks to be winning, we can elect a Democratic majority House and that would counterbalance his stupidity. That's not really the big problem. The big problem is that his followers can do considerable damage, and already have. By even agreeing that waterboarding (for example) is okay, that we shouldn't "take nuclear weapons off the table", they are showing just how broken their moral compasses are. The fact that people are okay with decimating, or discriminating against, others simply because of their religious beliefs (most of which do NOT condone terrorism and violence) or because of their ethnicity, culture, or race, shows exactly how depraved they are. This depravity is destructive not only to the rest of the world, but to Americans as well.

But anyway, back to poverty. I'm about to give you some information on those individuals who receive government assistance (read: "welfare"), so open your mind, leave your preconceived notions at the door, and really take in what I'm saying here. At some point I'll likely add references and statistics - I have to write a formal essay at the end of this term and I'll probably share it after the term is over, so stay tuned for that. Until then, do your own research. Google Scholar is a good resource (avoid media coverage and opinion pieces - I know, I know. I'm basically writing an opinion piece here...take what I'm saying, and go research if you want to argue with my opinions.) This isn't some left-wing bullshit meant to confuse you and pull the wool over your eyes.

Minnesota (where I received my AA and was born and raised) has a vocational program through social services that allows for qualifying individuals to go to school for free (they cover any remaining debt that grants and scholarships don't). One of the complaints right-wingers have is that individuals who are on assistance are using the system and have no desire to better themselves. They just want to live off the backs of the hardworking people of America. This is false. Ticket To Work not only pays for vocational training, high school completion and college degrees, it also help individuals who are more inclined to work instead of going to school. Social workers help their clients in application processes, they teach interview skills. So when I found out that this assistance was available, I immediately knew I wanted to be more than a clerical worker or server (there is nothing wrong with those professions, I just wanted to do something more specific to my passions and I need degrees to do that). I have been part of the poverty class in the early part of my adulthood, after I graduated high school (myth debunked - not all people on assistance are high school dropouts). I made something of myself. As I said, I graduate with my BA in the winter (through loans and grants, I no longer am on assistance and am actually fine with contributing to SS because it was there when I needed it). I'm starting grad school in May. I was able to receive my AA thanks to government funding. Yes, many of you likely helped pay for me to go to school. So, you helped me become successful so that I could contribute back to society. Isn't that what you want? For people to get off of assistance and contribute positively to society? I mean, I understand the frustration that you may have contributed, when no one contributed to your education but you, but the fact is that not everyone has been where you are, or had the same opportunities as you. You live in a country with many people. If you do have a problem with contributing, remember that you do live in a democratic society that is pretty socialist in attitude, if covertly. America isn't the place for you. To those of you who support (morally, if nothing else) the downtrodden in their rise to productivity, I personally thank you. It does happen and whether or not you WANT to contribute to SS, you still do. So again, thanks. I'm working my ass off to pay it forward.

I have been part of the poverty class in the early part of my adulthood. I made something of myself. As I said, I graduate with my BA in the winter. I'm starting grad school in May. I was able to receive my AA thanks to government funding. So when I decided that I was stable enough mentally (I have bipolar type 2, anxiety, and PTSD) and in my living situation, to succeed, I utilized the services available to me. I worked my ass off to get to where I am. I'm graduating with honors. I find pride in this because it shows just how hard I have worked to get to where I am. Nothing has been "handed to me" and I have earned the assistance the government gave me. That's basically the point though. The government won't just support people through college or through vocational training/job acquisition if individuals aren't willing to follow through. In order to receive assistance you need to meet specific qualifications - unless you are on permanent disability (which is reviewed every 10 years, so if you no longer meet requirements, they will take funds from you), they expect you to work towards getting off of assistance. If you choose to utilize the TTW program to attend school, there is zero tolerance for failure of classes. You need to maintain at least a C- in all classes. If you get one D, you will lose your funding for school. Homeless shelters basically run the same way. There are rules and requirements individuals must meet in order to continue to receive assistance. It's much like the TTW in that they help individuals with vocational training, counseling, advocacy, and if necessary, trauma therapy (many individuals who are homeless have PTSD simply from being homeless, as well as battling other mental and physical disabilities, so they require services that are typically expensive. For this, many professionals - and I will be one of them - donate their time and expertise in their own areas to try to help these individuals. I will be providing trauma therapy for women, men and children who have been in abusive situations that have lead to their homelessness) The shelter's secondary goal is to get individuals into housing, jobs, and successfully back on their feet so that they never are homeless again. Their primary goal is to keep their individuals safe and off the streets so that the residents are capable of pursing success.

Another stipulation is that individuals need to be drug- and alcohol-free in order to stay in the shelter. If they relapse and use, they aren't allowed on the premises until they've completely sobered up. There are curfews and schedules to be followed, as well. So it's not a free ride where anyone can do anything and soak up free services.

I have been part of the poverty class in the early part of my adulthood. I was raised in a working-middle class household and have lived in the country, suburbs, and the inner city. I have experienced financial comfort as well as severe financial hardship. I have made something of myself. As I said, I graduate with my BA in the winter. I'm starting grad school in May. I was able to receive my AA thanks to government funding and because of that (and a college education) I feel like I have grounds to stand on when I am talking to you all about this. If you've never done your research, if you've never lived it, if all you do is spout opinions based on shit you see on social media and programs that are biased, stop right now. Find some other passion because what you think you know about people receiving assistance is, for the majority, wrong. You are not helping to liberate America, you are spreading more hate and misinformation. And it gets the American people nowhere.

One final thing, because I have other stuff to do right now and this is far longer than I had meant to write. What I want to address is the myth that individuals who get assistance waste the money on luxury items. This is false (98% of the time. You have assholes and cheats in every social class, of course). When you see someone with brand names, chances are likely that they got them through donations. For example, this past weekend I donated 8 bags of brand name clothes (newborn - 2T) and shoes to the shelter I volunteer at. Among these clothes are brands from Carters, H&M, Kohls and Target, yes, but also clothes from Oshkosh, Gymboree, Macy's, Nordstroms, etc.. My husband is an engineer so we have the money to buy more expensive clothes now. But A-R (our daughter) has outgrown them. We held on to her old clothes in case we had another girl but since we are having a boy (a pregnancy we planned and can afford, for the Judger McJudgersons' reading this) I was able to donate a bunch of clothes to people who actually need them. I refuse to donate to consignment stores for the simple fact that most of the consignment stores (GoodWill, Value Village, etc.) overcharge for clothes they consider "luxury" and so individuals who can barely afford used clothes are still paying out the ass for them. I'd rather my donations go directly to those in need, so I donate them to shelters. I also donated some of my own clothes that, while not all brand name, are in good condition and are stylish enough that others might be judgey about the fact that someone using EBT is wearing nice clothes. I hope you can see where I'm going with this. I'm not the only one who donates to shelters and many people who do donate to shelters donate quality goods. The stipend an individual receives while they are on assistance is no where near enough to afford brand names without serious penny-saving, so those individuals who have a luxury item most likely received them through donation or as a gift.

Well, I'm off. For more information on the ticket to work program, visit https://www.ssa.gov/work/overview.html. Have a good one and get out there, volunteer, and vote this coming election.

P.S. Socialism and Communism isn't the same thing. Figure out the difference before you sneer at socialism.